Six months in the UK and I’m already back
in Matlosane – so soon because I’ve been invited to the wedding of one of the
clergy here this weekend.
The flight went well – as usual I slept
most of it! This time I decided to take the bull by the horns, hire a car at
the airport and drive myself to Klerksdorp, something not done before as flying
leaves my head very congested and my balance out of kilter. However all went
well for the first 4km, till I was pulled over by the police for apparently
crossing a dividing line, threatened with a court appearance and a fine of R800
(£40). He was obviously wanting a bribe, but I kept smiling and refusing to
play ball, and in the end he let me go! A couple of kms further on I realised I
was headed for downtown Jo’burg and therefore on the wrong road, but that was
easily remedied. I eventually arrived safely in Klerksdorp, much to the relief
of +Steve who had been wondering where I was – my phone had decided that it
wouldn’t send any texts to him to let him know I was OK.
The Diocesan staff find it a more peaceful place to work, and you don’t have to wend your way through ladies of the night (and day!) to get to it. |
The Diocese is using all means available to
raise money – and the hall is rented out to a Biker Church. The house on the
site is also rented out, to Jouberton parish whose priest’s house was destroyed
in the tornado of 2007 and never rebuilt.
The Centre
is on Muller Street, Klerksdorp, and if you find it on Google Maps you’ll get a
street view and also an overhead view.
Tomorrow and
Sunday it’s the wedding, so more about that next time. This weekend +Steve
celebrates the 9th Anniversary of his consecration and then his birthday
– we are going to have a braai to celebrate.
Till next time ………